Christopher Jobes View All Faculty
Faculty picture.

Disciplines/Field of Instruction

  • Mechanical Engineering & Engineering Mechanics
  • Finite Element Analysis
  • Electrical Engineering & Controls

Degrees Received

  • Ph.D., 1987年,西弗吉尼亚大学工程学专业
  • M.S., 1985年,西弗吉尼亚大学机械工程专业
  • B.S.1983年,bwin体育bwin体育机械工程专业
  • B.S., 1982, Engineering, Geneva College

Courses Taught

  • MEE 321 Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
  • MEE 324 Kinematics of Mechanisms
  • MEE 403 Mechanical Component Design
  • MEE 405 Finite Element Methods
  • MEE 410 Mechanical Vibration
  • CPE 220 Digital Systems
  • EGR 211 Solid Mechanics
  • CSC 111工程计算导论


  • Homer, J., Damiano, N., Jobes, C., Reyes, M., Carr, J. 煤矿井下设备电磁干扰优先检测.《bwin体育》. 美国矿业、冶金和勘探学会., Preprint 21-015, March 1-5, 2021.
  • Poremski, Jacob, and Jobes, Christopher. 3点弯曲试验数据修正方程的综合.《bwin体育》,第15页. Morgantown, WV, 2020.
  • Jobes, Christopher C., Carr, Jacob L., Reyes, Miguel A., 一种视觉警告系统,用于识别连续采矿机周围的接近探测事件,人因与工效学学会第57届年会论文集, September 30-October 4, 2013, San Diego, CA, 57:265-269
  • Jobes, Christopher C., Carr, Jacob L., DuCarme, and Joseph P.“一种先进的连续采矿机接近系统的评价”; 国际应用工程研究杂志, Vol. 7, No. 6, 2012, pp.649-671.
  • Jobes, Christopher C., DuCarme, Joseph P., Lutz,  Timothy L., and Bartels, John J.,“连续采矿操作员的视觉需求评估”, Mining Engineering Tech Note 2/2011.
  • Jobes, Christopher C. and Mayton, Alan G., 地下矿山运输车辆传振座椅设计评价,hes第50届年会论文集, 2006, October 16-20, 2006, San Francisco, CA, 5 p.
  • Jobes, Christopher C. and Lutz, Timothy J., 机械定位与掘进系统井下试验结果,第11届WVU国际采矿电工技术会议论文集, Morgantown, WV, July 1992, pp. 147-150.
  • Jobes, Christopher C., Palmer, George M., and Means, Kenneth H.,“一种可控断路器机构的合成”, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 112, September 1990, pp. 324-330.
  • J. Li, C. Zhou, J. H. DuCarme, and C. C. Jobes, “Influence of a Continuous Mining
    中小企业年会,明尼阿波利斯,明尼苏达州,2018年,卷. Preprint 18-050, p. 4.
  • C. C. Jobes and J. 确定停车距离的动态建模系统
    “移动地下煤炭设备”,ASME 2018 IMECE第4A卷:动力学,
    振动与控制,匹兹堡,宾夕法尼亚州,美国,2018,p. 10.
  • D. S. Yantek, J. P. Homer, and C. C. Jobes,《bwin体育》
    2019, vol. Preprint 19-109, p. 7.
  • J. Li, J. Carr, C. Zhou, C. C. Jobes, L. R. Swanson, and J. Bellanca, “The Influence of a
    Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, Mar. 2019.
  • J. Li, J. Carr, M. Reyes, C. Jobes, B. Whisner, and P. McElhinney, “Mitigation of RF
    “采矿业的安全和健康设备”,在第41届PIERS (Photonics)上发表 &
    电磁学研究研讨会)2019,罗马,意大利,2019,p. 10.

Current Projects & Research

  • Faculty Advisor for SAE Baja Racing Team.


  • Machine Component Design
  • Kinematics of Mechanisms
  • Finite Element Methods
  • Digital Systems Design
  • Control Systems Design
  • Vibrations Codes and Analysis
  • Software Safety Protocols
  • Project Management

Awards Received

  • bwin体育bwin体育2020-2021年度优秀奖学金奖
    "In recognition of demonstrating breadth and depth of knowledge in the fields of Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Mechanics which has enhanced the intellectual climate of the College; for contributing to the advancement of your field and receiving recognition beyond the Geneva community; and for simulating and directing scholarly activity among students and faculty."
  • 银奖-主席奖-匹兹堡联邦执行委员会,2014年.
  • 2013年实验室科学杰出科学论文提名者Charles C. 谢泼德科学奖,国家职业安全与健康研究所.
  • 卓越沟通-疾病预防控制中心颁发感谢状予国家职业安全与健康研究所智能接近侦测小组, September 5, 2012.
  • 铜奖-杰出团队2001 -由匹兹堡联邦执行委员会颁发给功绩团队, June 6, 2001.
  • 团体荣誉奖——信息服务奖——由疾病预防控制中心/卫生与公众服务部颁发给merit小组,以表彰他们在开发基于互联网的计算机模拟程序方面做出的重大努力,该程序是提供高质量应急管理培训的一种实用而经济的方法, June 13, 2001.
  • 优异奖-获奖论文的作者在机制, Design, Analysis, 或第20届ASME机制会议申请, Kissimmee, FL, September 1988.

Professional Society Memberships

  • 美国机械工程师学会(匹兹堡分会前任主席)
  • Society of Automotive Engineers

Professional Certification

  • 注册专业工程师-宾夕法尼亚州

Work Experience

机械工程师,1987 -1988,波音国际服务公司

  • Advanced sensor systems

Mechanical Engineer, 1988 - 1997, U.S. Bureau of Mines (USBM)

  • 计算机辅助采矿机的控制与导航


  • Software Safety.
  • Mining Equipment Safety.
  • 矿山机械振动与震动的治理.
  • 连续采矿机的智能接近检测.
  • Visual Warning Systems.

Ecclesiastical Service

  • Worship Team member, First Baptist Church of Monongahela
  • 莫农加希拉第一浸信会执事

Miscellaneous, e.g., hobbies, sports, personal info, etc.(optional)

  • Scouting, hiking, backpacking, orienteering, cycling, canoeing, sailing, reading, and playing music on my tuba, electric bass or piano.

Academic Distinctives

Dr. Jobes在机械工程师学会年会上发表了题为“煤矿井下设备电磁干扰测试的优先级”的报告, Virtual Conference in 2021. 

Dr. Jobes在2021年秋季获得了bwin体育大学优秀奖学金奖.

Dr. Jobes是美国汽车工程师协会(SAE)巴哈赛车队的指导老师.

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