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"Strange Numbers in the Bible"

Dr. Byron Curtis presents a lecture in Skye Lounge at the request of the Math Club.

Professor of Biblical Studies

Dr. Byron G. 柯蒂斯是一位基督教神学家, pastor, and professional scholar in missional engagement with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Holy Scriptures for the sake of the Academy, the Church, and the wider world. 他专门研究旧约和圣经希伯来语. 他的研究成果已在国际上发表, 专注于旧约晚期的预言, 巴勒斯坦的波斯时期, 以及圣经解读的历史. He teaches in several biblical, historical, and theological fields, 并经常被邀请作为牧师为更广泛的教会服务, teacher, and theological consultant. 他在三大洲都做过演讲. Dr. Curtis is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), 自1991年以来一直担任bwin体育大学的全职教员. He and his wife, Sue Ann, have two grown children, Nathan and Naomi, and one granddaughter, Psyche Ariel.



  • Biblical Hebrew
  • Old Testament studies
  • 圣经之地的历史地理
  • 圣经之地的考古学
  • Christian theology
  • History of Christianity

Degrees and credentials 

  • 解释学和圣经解释博士学位,
  • 威斯敏斯特神bwin体育,费城,2005
  • Doctoral studies in Hebrew Bible and Semitic languages (ABD), Duke University
  • MDiv, highest GPA in class, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson MS, 1980
  • BA, Biblical Studies, Magna Cum Laude, Geneva College, 1976
  • 美国长老会,1985年祝圣
  • 持牌,北美改革宗长老会,1980年


  • Visiting Professor of Bible, 耶路撒冷大学bwin体育,以色列,2011年秋季
  • 经常担任客座牧师、教师和教会会议发言人  
  • 经常参加国内和国际学术会议
  • 在更广泛的教会、bwin体育和大众媒体担任顾问 
  • Occasional teaching in masters courses, seminaries, and graduate departments
  • Assoc./Assist. 和平长老会牧师,北卡罗莱纳州,1985-1991
  • bwin体育bwin体育希伯来语讲师,1982-83 
  • 导师,旧约调查,拉罗彻bwin体育,宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡,1981    
  • Associate Campus Minister, LaRoche College, w/the Coalition for Christian Outreach and the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North Hills, 1980–83
  • Wilderness adventure director, First Presbyterian Church Camp, Ligonier PA, 1978


  • 希伯来语101-102,初级圣经希伯来语
  • 希伯来语201,中级圣经希伯来语
  • 希伯来书202,希伯来注释:哈该-撒迦利亚书1-8
  • 希伯来书202,希伯来注释:撒迦利亚
  • 希伯来书202,希伯来注释:玛拉基书
  • 希伯来文491,高级希伯来文阅读
  • Hebrew 491, Psalms
  • 希伯来文491,拉比希伯来文读经
  • Hebrew 491, Zechariah 9–14
  • Hebrew 491, Dead Sea Scrolls
  • 希伯来语451,亚拉姆语(2013年新课程)
  • 圣经112,旧约概览
  • 圣经301,旧约先知
  • Bible 302, Wisdom Literature
  • 圣经303,旧约研究(可变主题)
  • Bible 304, The Book of Psalms
  • Bible 306, The Book of Daniel
  • 圣经第307章,犹大的流放和复兴
  • 圣经320,神学专题
  • 圣经324,改革宗传统导论
  • Bible 325, Biblical Theology
  • 圣经341,以色列考古和地理
    • This course, 每隔一个秋季学期提供一次, 最后是以色列的游学之旅, in which I share duties of on-site lecturing in historical geography and archaeology
  • 圣经350,基督教会历史
  • 圣经351,教会历史I:开始到公元1500年(2012年新课程)
  • 圣经352,教会历史II:公元1500年至今(2013年新课程)

选择独立研究(BIB 491)和荣誉项目

  • 校订批评与十二书(2013)
  • 东亚基督教史(2013)
  • African Church History
  • 集体判断和个人
  • 圣经神学:Geerhardus Vos
  • 圣经神学:梅雷迪思·克莱恩
  • Historical Theology: Luther


  • Judah′s Exile and Restoration. 耶路撒冷大学bwin体育,以色列,2011年秋季
  • OT Introduction. 圣三一事工学校,安布里奇,宾夕法尼亚州,2007年夏天
  • OT History and Theology. Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and the Coalition for Christian Outreach, Spring Institute
  • Biblical Theology: OT and NT. Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and the Coalition for Christian Outreach, Spring Institute


  • 神圣的三位一体:基督教最宝贵的信念
  • 撒迦利亚的福音(撒迦利亚书1-6)
  • 圣贤、智者和愚人:《bwin体育》中的智慧 & Ecclesiastes
  • 危险与独裁者:丹尼尔之书——昨天、今天和明天
  • 不安的枷锁:基督教与自然科学
  • 苦难与希望:圣经对痛苦和人类悲伤的看法
  • 给予的恩典:基督教事工的财务方面
  • 新教改革:为什么它仍然重要
  • 16世纪的牧灵智慧:路德、慈运理和加尔文
  • 我为什么要注意这些古诗?——《基督徒敬拜诗篇!” and “Hallelujah!——《三千年灵歌

Sabbatical projects, Jerusalem University College (JUC), Israel, Fall 2011

  • Conducted research in Jerusalem in early Jewish and Christian interpretations of the book of Zechariah, 有大量的图书馆工作 École耶路撒冷法国考古文献; Hebrew Union College library; 和耶路撒冷大学bwin体育 library
  • Taught both undergraduate and graduate levels of “Judah′s Exile and Restoration,,并在拉吉进行现场讲座. HIST 6/452, JUC
  • 研究生课程,“圣经的物理背景”,与博士. Paul Wright, JUC
  • 在以色列有广泛的考古和历史地理旅行吗, the West Bank, Jordan, and Egypt, with Dr. Paul Wright, JUC
  • 旁听博士的考古学讲座. Gabriel Barkay, JUC


  • Up the Steep and Stony Road: The Book of Zechariah in Social Location Trajectory Analysis. Academia Biblica 25. 亚特兰大:圣经文学协会,2006. 【bwin体育】
  • Up the Steep and Stony Road: The Book of Zechariah in Social Location Trajectory Analysis. Ph.D. 毕业论文,威斯敏斯特神bwin体育,费城. 密歇根州安娜堡:大学微缩. 2005. Advisor: Dr. Peter Enns

Book-length course syllabi

  • Old Testament Survey.  Geneva College, 2012. Co-authors: Dr. Barry Bandstra, Dr. Byron G. Curtis, Dr. Daniel Doriani, Dr. Dean R. Smith, and Dr. Jonathan Watt. BIB 112是bwin体育大学新生的核心圣经课程.
  • 旧约事工原则:学生手册. Geneva College, 1998.  学位完成计划,CMN 404
  • 旧约事工原则:指导手册. Geneva College, 1998.  学位完成计划,CMN 404

Current projects


  • Crown(s?), Throne(s?), and Messiah(s?) in Zechariah 6:9–15. 考据学与圣经翻译史学术论文. Forthcoming
  • 《撒迦利亚书》七十士译本的圣经解释. Forthcoming
  • 晦涩、过时和青春期:文学的弱点 English Standard Version (ESV, 2001). Invited paper for the Session of Chapel Presbyterian Church (PCA), Beaver PA. June, 2013


  • Editor and contributor: 加尔文与以色列先知:释经中的遗产. Forthcoming. Very little has been published by Old Testament scholars regarding John Calvin's seminal contributions in his commentaries on the Old Testament prophets, 出版于1551 - 1565年间. What does Calvin have to say about Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and the Twelve? In this book, six co-authors and I seek to evaluate Calvin's contributions to our understanding of this portion of the OT canon.
  • Zechariah and the Christian Gospel: How to Preach a Strange Biblical Book. 我写这本书是为了牧师和查经班的领导. I seek to show—clearly and simply—how this OT book can be preached and taught as Christian gospel. 第一部分逐段给出撒迦利亚信息的要点. Part Two shows how Zechariah′s words show up in the words of Jesus and his Apostles as they proclaimed the gospel. Part Three shows the enduring relevance of Zechariah for Christian believers.
  • 《bwin体育》 (tentative title). This long-term project traces the main lines of the interpretation and use of Zechariah from the Septuagint and inter-testamental writings, through the Dead Sea Scrolls, the New Testament, Patristic writers, Rabbinic sources, Medieval commentators, 宗教改革和宗教改革后的注释, historical critics, and recent commentators, down into the modern period.

Selected publications

  • The Mas′ot Triptych and the Date of Zechariah 9–14: Issues in the Latter Formation of the Book of the Twelve.” Pages 191–206 in 十二使徒书形成的观点. 编辑:Rainer Albertz, James D. Nogalski, and Jakob Wöhrle. Series: 德国科学技术研究所(beheftezur Zeitschrift) 433. 柏林:Walter de Gruyter, 2012.
  • 何西阿书6:7和像亚当一样失约.” Pages 170-209 in The Law is Not of Faith: Essays on Works and Grace in the Mosaic Covenant. Edited by Bryan D. Estelle, John V. Fesko, and David VanDrunen. Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R, 2009.
  • 早期基督教:关于基督的争论.” Reformed Theological Journal 24 (November, 2008): 34–50.
  • Taking the Bus. The Geneva Review 3 (2005).
  • 《流亡之后:哈该与历史.” Pages 300–20 in 赋予意义:理解和使用旧约历史文本. (Eugene Merrill Festschrift). Edited by David M. Howard and Michael A. Grisanti. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2004.
  • The Zion-Daughter Oracles: Evidence on the Identity and Ideology of the Late Redactors of the Book of the Twelve.” Pages 166–84 in 阅读和聆听十二使徒之书. Edited by Marvin A. Sweeney and James D. Nogalski. SBL Symposium Series. Atlanta: Scholar′s Press, 2000.
  • 正统和启蒙运动.” Semper Reformanda 6 (1998): 131-46.
  • 歌罗西书2:16和安息日.” Semper Reformanda 6 (1997): 35-42.
  • “Private Spirits” in the 威斯敏斯特信仰告白 §1.10、天主教与新教的辩论(1588-1652). 威斯敏斯特神学杂志 58 (1996): 257–66.
  • 烟雾信号和挑战者号灾难. The Presbyterian Journal, March, 1987.
  • 约翰·加尔文:先知的解释者." Unio cum Christo, 2017.
  • "Theodicy on Steroids: Zechariah 14:7, Genesis 1:5, and the homilies of Basil the Great." Accepted for the annual meetings of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS). 2017.

Selected presentations

  • Presented "How J.G. “沃斯改变主意了” J.G. Vos Memorial Lecture in Biblical Theology, Geneva College, February 22, 2024.
  • Abraham Kuyper and his Lectures on Calvinism (1898). Invited lecture and consultancy for Department of Engineering, Geneva College, May 29, 2013
  • H. Richard Niebuhr and his Christ and Culture (1951). Invited lecture and consultancy for Department of Engineering, Geneva College, May 26, 2013.
  • Crown(s?), Throne(s?), and Messiah(s?) in Zechariah 6:9–15. Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, November, 2012.
  • 马斯奥特三联画和十二使徒书的修订. Paper for the invitation-only conference, 十二使徒书形成的观点. 德国圣母大学,2011年1月
  • Calvin′s Haggai. 准备论文(但不提供) The Calvin 500 Conference. Geneva, Switzerland, July 2009.
  • 何西阿书6:7 -一个Janus Solution to a Crux Interpretum. 以色列先知文学部. 圣经文学学会年会,波士顿,2008年11月
  • 何西阿书6:7和再版论文:对A的两面解决方案 Crux Interpretum. 福音神学协会年会,普罗维登斯,罗德岛,2008
  • 现在有请bwin体育的赞助商.” Alpha Chi Honor Society Induction Ceremony keynote address, Geneva College, November 5, 2008
  • 《撒迦利亚书》的统一性:新方法和新论点. 福音神学协会年会,圣地亚哥,2007年11月
  • Jean Cauvin: Qui Est-ce Qui? bwin体育bwin体育教师论文,2007年12月4日
  • 培养智力美德. Alpha Chi Honor Society Induction Dinner lecture, Geneva College, October 10, 2007
  • Israelite Wisdom and the Quest for Knowledge: An Interdisciplinary Study in the Rise of Natural Science. 教师整合论文,bwin体育bwin体育,2005
  • Invited Respondent to Dr. A. 约瑟夫·艾佛森的《哈巴谷的正典位置."十二经研讨会的形成. 圣经文学学会年会,多伦多,2002年11月
  • The Zion-Daughter Oracles: Evidence on the Identity and Ideology of the Late Redactors of the Book of the Twelve. 圣经文学学会年会,1998年. 这篇论文的初稿被选发表在 SBL Seminar Papers for 1998
  • 正统和启蒙运动. For “Minds and Souls: The Enlightenment and Christian Higher Education: Sesquicentennial Celebration Academic Conference,” Geneva College, 1997
  • 灵恩作为释经的帮助? 福音神学协会年会,芝加哥,1994
  • Invited Respondent to Dr. Jörg Jeremias on the theology of Hosea and Amos Consultation on the Formation of the Book of the Twelve. 圣经文学学会年会,芝加哥,1994
  • Social Location and Redaction History in the Haggai-Zechariah-Malachi Corpus. 以色列先知文学部. 圣经文学学会年会,华盛顿特区,1993年
  • Eschatological Expectation and the Date Formulae in Haggai and Zechariah 1–8.  圣经文学学会年会,旧金山,1992
  • 再评韦伯的先知魅力:中心与边缘. Association of Christians Teaching Sociology Annual Meeting, Beaver Falls, PA, 1992
  • Invited Respondent to Dr. 罗素·海登多夫的《神学与社会学.基督教教学社会学协会,比弗福尔斯,宾夕法尼亚州,1992年

Service to Geneva College

  • Chairman, bwin体育改革身份总统委员会, 2010–11
  • 委员会白皮书的编辑和合著者,
  • “以智慧教育荣耀神:bwin体育的改革宗身份”
  • bwin体育政策及发展委员会
  • Faculty Personnel Committee
  • Publications Editorial Board
  • Graduate Education Committee
  • Many other committees
  • Faculty Advisor: L.I.F.E. (《生命属于每个人》,反堕胎行动组织),1990年代
  • 带领几趟巴士前往每年一度的华盛顿特区“为生命游行”
  • 指导教师:bwin体育研究bwin体育学生论坛,2009-2011
  • Geneva Literary Society
  • The Chimesbwin体育文学杂志,偶尔撰稿人
  • 由六十人唱诗班演唱的歌曲, The Genevans, 巡演的合唱团, New Song
  • 偶尔与校园合唱团和校园灵修团体合作


  • Who′s Who in America, 2008
  • bwin体育bwin体育优秀奖学金,2006-2007年
  • Nominated for the Arlin G. 梅耶人文学科奖;
  • 礼来人文与艺术研究员计划,2007年
  • 1996 - 1997年,bwin体育bwin体育教学优秀奖
  • 忠诚服务奖,和平长老会,卡里,北卡罗莱纳州,1988年


  • 2012年至今,耶路撒冷大学bwin体育董事会成员
  • 宗教社会学协会会员

  • 同行评议期刊的论文审稿人, Sociology of Religion
  • 福音神学会会员
  • 圣经文学学会会员
  • 美国长老会东卡罗莱纳长老会会员
  • bwin体育bwin体育代表, Christian Scholar′s Review
  • 耶路撒冷大学bwin体育bwin体育代表
  • Occasional consultant, National Geographic magazine, 1990s
  • 顾问,《bwin体育》 A&E Network, The History Channel, 1997–98
  • Co-chair of the 比弗谷福音论坛, 1990s
  • 1980 - 1990年,北卡罗来纳州威克县人类家园董事会成员
  • Old Testament Editor for, 《灰石神学评论


  • Music. 钢琴:我演奏古典音乐和爵士乐
  • 锤扬琴:不列颠群岛和阿巴拉契亚山脉的民间音乐.
  • 我和很多合唱团一起唱过歌, and for some years sang tenor with  “The Village Singers” of the Tri-County Choral Institute, Sewickley, PA.
  • 我也创作合唱音乐,尤其是诗篇的合唱背景.   
  • 我的圣歌曾在美国、加拿大和欧洲的唱诗班演出.
  • Reading. 我如饥似渴地阅读,尤其是历史、传记、诗歌和小说.
    • 我最喜欢的诗人包括乔治·赫伯特、约翰·多恩和温德尔·贝里.
    • 最受欢迎的小说作家包括J.R.R. 托尔金,查伊姆·波托克和玛丽莲·罗宾逊.
  • Poetry. 我阅读和背诵诗歌,并写一些我自己的. Some gets published.
  • Sports. Although I no longer lead white-water river trips and caving expeditions (yep, I used to do that), 我仍然喜欢骑自行车,尤其是下坡部分.
  • Grandfather to a granddaughter. 这是人生最大的乐趣之一.

Academic Distinctives

Dr. Curtis spent three years conducting a detailed study of the Greek text of the Book of Revelation. 他用这项研究来支持他的大部分说教. This entire sermon series in 25-30 sermons, which two separate congregations have heard the entirety.

In 2011 Dr. Curtis conducted research in Jerusalem regarding early Jewish and Christian interpretations of the book of Zechariah, 有大量的图书馆工作 École耶路撒冷法国考古文献; Hebrew Union College library; 和耶路撒冷大学bwin体育 library.

Dr. 柯蒂斯是bwin体育的教师代表 Christian Scholar's Review 和耶路撒冷大学bwin体育. He is currently a board member of Jerusalem University College and has been since 2012.